Saturday, 29 October 2016

Back to Hospital again...

Back to Hospital again...

After I had been into hospital for my operation I had to go back again after two weeks so that some new casts could be put on my legs, so that my stitches could be taken out and the surgeon could check that everything was o.k.
Once again we were back at the hospital really early in the morning! This time I didn't have to stay but we went to the Day Surgery Waiting Room, we waited to be called in and we went down to the bed that I was going to be using for my time there. I had to put my special gown on again and wait for my turn in the theatre.
My Dad took me down to the theatre again when it was my turn and waited with me while they gave me the special medicine to put me to sleep. This time I was asked what sort of cast I would like - my first casts were plaster but these ones were going to be fibre glass and you can have different colours or patterns. I could choose paws or dinosaurs - I chose paws!
I wasn't in the theatre or recovery for very long this time. Everything went really well - the old casts were cut off, my wounds were checked and looked o.k., some stitches were removed, and then the new casts were put on with paws all over them. I was back in my bed at the Day Surgery in no time, sitting up and eating an ice block!
I wasn't allowed to put any weight on my feet for a few hours after this second visit to theatre but when I was allowed to the Physio people came and helped me to try a walking frame and also crutches.. very scary trying to walk when I wasn't allowed to for 2 weeks! The walking frame was a lot easier to use than the crutches so since  I have been home I am trying to use the walking frame as much as possible.
I have the paw print casts on for 6 weeks and then they will be changed again. The last casts will be on my feet for 4 weeks and then I will have them off permanently and go into some modified shoes.
Can't wait!

By Reuben Pope

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job Reuben I really like this blog post because you have described everything you have wrote so well it made me not want to stop reading it and you hooked me on the first paragraph you wrote. Also you are so write what happens in a surgery\operation and I know because when I had my operation for my ears. Great Job Reuben really enjoyed reading this!
